
Black Russian Terrier

Thursday, March 31, 2016

BRT Characteristics

Mark Smith posted on Black Russian Terrier FB Site:
“I thought I would invite the group to create an unofficial list of breed characteristics to help potential Russian owners make a more informed decision whether the breed is right for them.
My suggestions are below; do you agree? What else would you add?”
1.     Paw of doom
a.     We don't call it the paw of doom. We call it the paw of death. 
b.     The POD, a.k.a. the paw of doom/death, has given me a fat lip, black eye, and tons of bruises on my arms and legs
2.     Through the legs head-butt
3.     After drinking head shake shower
4.     The waggle bum dance
5.     Stick like Velcro to you round the house
Others added:
6.     The sudden and deathly crotch sniff
7.     The butt goose
8.     The vigorous head rub all over the legs;
9.     The unexpected jump hug;
10.  The exuberant 'I love to go out for a walk' bark;
11.  The 'please take off the head collar' vigorously rub the head anywhere move
12.  The excited "we're here! Look where we are!" Bark when we arrive at our local off lead walk location. Unlike any of her other barks, but no less loud!
a.     How do they know when we actually arrive at any given destination? We can drive most of the day, stop multiple times without a mere reaction, but when we pull in at the final destination, Da Boyz bark and whine like mad!
b.     200 yards from the car park I always tell any friends in the car to cover their ears
13.  The after eating must rub the food off my beard on the edge of the couch move.
a.     Comes to us to dry him with towel same after the walk, but if we don't do it "well enough" goes and robs all over the furniture
14.  I'm sitting on your lap
a.     Don't let my bone structure fool you - I seriously AM a lap dog!
15.  Bum on the couch front paws on floor
16.  Sit on your toes so you have to love me.
17.  Running around like a crazy fool after a bath
18.  The head butt to continue petting move, which includes throwing the elbow upwards and spilling whatever drink one might be holding.
a.     The Russian head nudge is responsible for 80% of all household spills!
b.     The nose flip of the elbow is a common one while trying to balance my accounts.
19.  The black immovable object in the middle of the hallway, in the middle of the night that is impossible to see.
a.     Invisible furry obstacle in the bathroom doorway at 3 a.m.b.      
20.  That couch looks comfy...but you need support, let me get behind you.... that’ll help! 

21.  Ours is 6 months old. She likes to sneak up and stalk us like a cat would, stops and then pounces on top of us. It's cute but I'm not sure what that will be like when she's full grown?
22.  Counter sniffing - but my nose is perfectly placed.
 Mark Replied “
the famous Russian counter surf. The prime suspect in the great unsolved mystery of the vanishing whole roast chicken!”
Suspicious of new people to the house - it's your fault. Mom, for being so antisocial.
And in non snow areas, water, any water, puddle or stinky pond. Again, your fault Mom, you should supply snow...

23.  You will never go to the bathroom alone again,
24.  Moldy beard. That's the worst!!
25.  THE EYE! Lying still pretending they sleep but the eye is watching you.... Or when they're playing outside and lay in the grass they can also send you the eye.  (In the Bouvier des Flandres world this is known as the “stink eye”)
26.  The permanent paw-print on your runners...
27.  Baptizing all visitors
28.  Paw of love and affection
29.  A human in dogs clothing
30.  The mini bark and the thunderous bark
31.  Toy giving
33.  trying to ram chewy sticks up your bum plus playing footsie when your walking past them.
34.  The ability to read me very accurately, caring for me sometimes when I see no danger. My best bud and guardian angel xxx
35.  We have to watch out for anything looking a gun like thingie because Misha gives out serious warning bark to put it down.
Took ages for him to get use to mum's cookie gun and have to send him outside the room if you use the drill
First time noticed when got a bb gun for the daughter and he went mad giving out to put it down talking about training in their blood!
Also constantly "patrolling " in zigzags when walking feel rather safe with him by my side
36.  Sneaking up onto the bed very silently,
acting as a natural barrier that can be used as exercising hurdles (he never moves out of the way),
cold snout into my face early in the morning (usually after he had a sip of water)
37.  The stranger danger bark that rattles windows.
38.   I must sleep where I can best see the doors with hourly checks on the kids and pacing if one is ill.
39.  The stranger danger circle the kids because I don't know you.
40.  The mediator. I break up dog fights, kid fights, any altercation.
a.      Tacha also breaks up dog fights (or play she thinks is too rough)-we call her the U.N. Peace keeper!
b.     We call our Risky the "fun police"
c.      Mine is labelled the classroom monitor, especially bouncy dogs with no manners.
41.  The I am so glad you are home, please let me lay on your feet but only if it is a terribly awkward position that crushes your feet alternating with the paw of death.
42.  Vocal! My female runs her mouth, sometimes for 30 minutes, after I get home. Either telling me off for leaving in the first place, and/or telling me all that happened while I was away.
a.      Our one is very talkative as well, as good as husky! Absolutely love it and the tone is usually different for different situations/people.
43.  The "I'm sorry you don't feel good let me make it all better by laying on you and smothering you" particularly helpful if you have a chest cold- NOT!
44.  The pile of destroyed "$100 dog-proof" toys versus the much loved 25 cent stuffed snake from Goodwill.
45.  The lean! You will stroke me whilst supporting my body weight.
46.  The "when you cooking, I’ll sneak into the kitchen and lay right behind you so when you turn around, you'll fall on your face and then i get to attack you with kisses "
47.  The boob magnet and of course the dressing gown lifter, with wet dripping beard.
48.  The ability to bark with a chuck-it ball in his mouth.
The perimeter check of the back yard when I say "Who's There!". 
                a.      We do the "who's there" too
The help driving, with his head over my left shoulder, checking to see that I am doing it correctly.
49.  Sleeping in the shower when it gets warm,
Sitting on my lap in our double wide chair,
Pushing me down the stairs to make sure we're going on that walk I talked about!
Finding the perfect stuffed baby to show me when I come home...
The happy dance when you look outside and it Snowed oh my gosh!!
When the mail man brings your mail the bark box treat!
50.  Creating such a spectacle whenever you are out in public that your walks no longer function as exercise again. You will be stopped by strangers every hundred yards or so to discuss the "bear" or "gorilla" you have on a leash.
a.      We have a Bouv and BRT so this goes double.  Video’s of Konna wearing a GoPro on a walk downtown, 3 video’s 30+ minutes upcut, lots of interaction with people we meet.
                                                    i.     https://youtu.be/obX3YTHGx_A
                                                  ii.     https://youtu.be/Nw1QrsWJPEY
                                                iii.     https://youtu.be/yKst4gR0Ix0

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